Friday, June 27, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

A week or so ago, sweet hubby and I decided to take our boys to see the local minor league baseball team the Travelers. This would be the first time our boys have been to a professional ballgame. When sweet hubby and I were dating many moons ago we would take our other two kids (from our previous marriage) to see the Travelers play all season. Susie Q and JW loved going to see the ballgame. Many times we sat in the hot, humid ballpark stands rooting our guys to victory or crying over their loss. Watching the Travelers play is a family tradition (my own daddy used to take us when we were growing up) that we have decided to continue with our little boys. The only difference is that the Travelers now play in a beautiful new ballpark instead of the old rundown one that I went to as a child and that Susie Q and JW went to. Our little guys had a great time sitting on the first baseline and feeling very close to the players and the field as well as having to watch for stray balls hit in our direction!
When we arrived there were people handing out travelers t-shirts for the first 1000 kids to come into the park. They are huge on the boys but they make good sleeping shirts!

Always, first up we have to get our nachoes and hotdogs!! Our friend was there with his lemonade booth so we got free lemonade - which was delish and soooo cool in the heat!

And of course we have silly boys during inning changes!
Our team won that night -- 9 to 5!! AND, it was a sold out game. We actually ended up sitting in the beer garden!! The only seats available were on the green or in the beer garden. We chose the beer garden in hopes that it would be too bad for Franklin - smoking is allowed only in the beer garden and Franklin is allergic to cig smoke--- but it was fine, not too many smokers that night and we did very well.

Our lemonade friend also sold cotton, of course we had to get some of that too!!! I mean it was free so what else could we is a good thing that I carry wipees with me....we needed them desperately!

When the game was over, Franklin was soooo tired that dad had to carry him back to the car! Both boys fell asleep before we made it back home. But they had a blast and we have to go back again!! We would love to go see the NY Yankees play since big sis Susie Q lives very close to the NY Yankees ball park.....ummmmm sounds like a plan!
For now the doctor is out.......wondering if she really could take those boys to see the Yankees play.....

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