Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is this a Frary?

My dad was a car fanatic. I grew up with a car fanatic. I knew about cars when I was knee high to a grasshopper. My dad loved cars, any kind of car, the older the better. I heard about 57 chevy's, cadillacs, mercury's, corvairs, mustangs, buicks, you name it I knew about it. My dad would tell us stories of the different cars that he owned throughout his life. We heard about how fast they would go, how sleek they were, what great vehicles they were for their time period, and how many times he could outrun a speeding ticket (all in his youth of course!). Once my dad bought an MG sportscar.....he had 4 kids and it was the only car my parents owned.... since there weren't seat belt laws, my parents packed us in and took off - everywhere. My dad loved cars and he tried to pass this love of good, old vehicles on down to each of us. I didn't realize that needing to know about cars would be my future.

When I was 16, my dad gave me a yellow Honda 600, one of the first cars created by the Honda company. I put many miles on that little car. One time after a youth activity I put 7 people in that car (I was very proud of that accomplishment). Many times I would come out of school to find that my car had been picked up and turned sideways between two other cars - this only took the manpower of a few football player sized boys who thought it was fun to lift my car and deposit it in various positions to see if I could maneuver it out. I could go anywhere in that little car for less than $2 a week. I was really ticked in the early 70's when gas prices rose to 70 cents a gallon!!

When I met my hubby, he was driving a beautiful red porshe. He loved cars also. Again, any kind, make, etc. He is also a used car dealer. I guess my dad was preparing me for marriage to him!

Now I have two young boys who are cars fanatics!! Seriously, they love the Cars Movie and everything that goes with it. They collect the Cars Movie cars and play with them constantly. They love cars just like papaw and dad. So why did it surprise when Franklin (who was named after papaw) asked me while we were driving down the road, "Hey mom, is this a Frary?" Me, being ever so confused didn't know what a Frary was. So again, he repeats the question. I am still puzzled but then duh, it clicks.....Is this a Ferrari? Uh, no, sorry Franklin this is just a plain ol' Explorer. Well, mom wouldn't you like to have a Frary? Uh, well, I don't think so. Mom, they go really, really fast. Yes they do but they don't hold boys and carseats very well - plus all he other junk that goes into a car when you are carrying around two boys. Mom, someday I am going to have a Frary. That will be very nice - I hope you do. You are your father's son and papaw's will make them proud!!
For now, the doctor is out.....contemplating if I really could put two car seats into the back of a Frary and go really, really fast.....also remembering good times riding beside hubby in his beloved red porcshe.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snakes in My Throat

So it is March and we got a rare snow the other day (actually two this week). Hubby and I were planning to go to Memphis with friends to the temple but that was eventually canceled. My boys were going to Mimi's house to spend the night and I couldn't break their hearts and not let them go since that is all they talked about for the week - so they went on Friday (when it was snowing!!) I think it is important to understand that hubby is somewhat overprotective of sweet Franklin. Franklin has had many health problems since birth and hubby justs wants him to be healthy 24/7, but let's face it Franklin is 3, almost 4 - staying free from colds, etc is NOT going to happen. So hubby states emphatically that Franklin CAN'T PLAY IN THE SNOW!!! How cruel is that?

Luckily for Franklin, aunt Mimi just ignores hubby and therefore, Franklin plays in the snow when parents are gone. Franklin, Cole, and cousins have a blast in the snow just like other children are doing all over the neighborhoods of LR. All is fine......until Saturday evening when Franklin and Cole are home again getting ready for bed. Franklin awakes during the night and hubby is hovering because Franklin has watery eyes and a running nose - what appears to be the onset of --- a COLD!!! THis will not do for he doses Franklin up to prevent the oncoming cold (which also means, fever, running nose, and sleepless nights for all).

On Sunday morning, hubby gets up early and leaves for a meeting in Glenwood leaving me to get everyone else ready for our own church services. Cole is going to spend the day with his biological mom and so off he goes. I wake Franklin up to get him ready for church and he tells me that he has "snakes in my throat." Now that is new to me since I didn't know that snakes could get in your throat!! Needless to say, Franklin was suffering from a sore throat due to the drainage from the running nose (that is my guess). So instead of getting out for the day we just medicated and then cuddled, knowing that I would face the wrath of hubby when he returned for the day if he actually figured out that Franklin did indeed play in the snow on Friday! Hubby never misses a chance to point out that he was RIGHT not to let Franklin play in the SNOW.

We love hubby even though he is overprotective!! So now it is my charge to remove the snakes from Franklin's throat and get him well again ---hopefully he will be feeling better today but if not, that means that I get to cuddle with him once more so all is not so bad. Until next time, the Doctor is out......removing snakes from the throat of a 3 year old!!