I needed to go to Denver for an Educational Research Conference since I am presenting a paper. I decided that I wanted to drive to Denver instead of fly. I love a good roadtrip and there is so much to see and do on the way there and back. The night before I am supposed to leave my car overheats and sweet hubby comes to rescue me...he checks it out for me and says everything is a-ok. So on Friday morning I am getting everything together and sweet hubby has to run some errands then comes home and decides that the truck needs an oil change along with a few other things he wants to check out. FINALLY, I am able to go pick up my sister, Mimi, and we head out....at 3:00 PM!!!! We are driving along I-40 minding our own business, laughing, talking and BAMM!!!! My truck starts overheating - this can't be happening - I HAVE TO GO TO DENVER!!!! AND, we are only about an hour outside of Little Rock -- so we pull over at the local small town WalMart parking lot. I call sweet hubby and tell him what is going on. He tells me to sit still and he will bring me a thermostat for my truck because apparently that was the problem all along...(question to myself --- why didn't he change it out before I left----oh, yeah, I am the wife who is last on the list -- haha).
So we have an hour or so to kill while waiting on sweet hubby. There is a Bonanza across the street and we decide to go there for a bite to eat -- big mistake -- super yucky food!!! Then we decide to sit in the parking lot of Wally World and wait. I decided to go into the store to get a book then went back out to the truck to wait. While sitting in my truck waiting (Mimi had gone into the store by then) there were some very dark clouds coming in and then the tornado sirens are going off. I leave the truck for safety in the Wally World. I find my sister and we go to the back of the store to wait out the tornado (that didn't produce). We are quite awful too - you know more like teens- giggling at the oddly dressed people in Wally World on a Friday night (I mean where else do county people go on a Friday night - that is why there is this). While waiting out the storm and walking around the back of the store sis tells me she wants me to look at a couple of things for her girls bedroom - one being a pink framed full length mirror. I reach out to look at it and it slips between my fingers/hand and CRASH on the floor. People around me are trying to distance themselves from me as fast as their legs will run!!! They are giving me that Oh, no you didn't look..........oh yeah, I did!!! That is when the county people of Wally World start laughing at me and telling me I will have 7 years of bad luck....I guess I deserve it for not being very nice to begin with!!! 7 years of bad luck - just my luck if I were supersticious!!!
Oh, yeah, I did make it to Denver and I will be presenting my paper this afternoon and then heading out back home to my sweet family baring no bad luck on the way home......
For now the doctor is out......hoping to avoid running into a black cat or walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella in the house....well you get the picture!!!!