Sweet hubby and I just kept going back and forth on this preK thing. We were very concerned about Franklin not being ready to go. Franklin has had some developmental problems previously and I was just afraid that he would be to far behind the other kids and it would make for a very uncomfortable experience for him. Yes, I am the overprotective mother!!! However, Franklin did attend a mother's day out program a couple of days a week during the summer and he loved it. We had planned for him to stay with this program this year instead of going to the school district preK....those were the plans all the way up to the day preK started!!!! Then I woke up Monday morning feeling not right about that decision. So Franklin and I went to the district office and completed the paper work to get him into the "big school." They told us it could take a few days for his school assignment BUT, they called me at home around 8pm to tell me he had been assigned to a school very close to our home. The drawback was that the school requires uniforms and I wasn't prepared for that!! Luckily Franklin had a pair of khaki shorts and a yellow shirt that would suffice for the first day. I even made a 10pm run to the local Wally World (which I NEVER do since that WW is not in the best location - but I braved it anyway for my little guy) only to get there and find out there isn't a supply list for preK!!! So I bought a backpack and some lunch supplies for my little guy.
Needless to say Franklin was estatic to be going to the "big school." We put his favorite "blanklet" in his backpack and he grabbed his lunch pail and was ready to go....
When we got to the "big school" - it was chaos with the parking and parents,etc. We had to go to the media center to fill out more papers and wait, and wait, and wait.
Actually Franklin couldn't get his mind off of ALL the books in the Media Center...he kept asking if he could get a book to "read."
Finally we are sent to the classroom to meet the new teacher! Franklin said hello to Ms. C and she directed him to a table so he could get started with some puzzles while I just watched to see if he would be ok. Finally I breezed over so I could take pictures of my sweet guy's first day of "big school" aka preK!
When I got ready to leave he said "Wait mom, I need a hug and a kiss!" So off I went with tears in my eyes leaving my little one at the "big school."
For now the doctor is out....wondering if she will survive this quiet house....ummm yeah, I think so!