Birthday's have always been something to celebrate in my family. I loved planning the fun birthdays for Sarah each year....there was the Burger King party, the McDonald's party, the Chucke Cheese party, then later the skating rink parties and overnight parties. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated!! When Caleb came along we did the small family party for him the first couple of years and then when he turned 4 we did a fun cookout party at the park with lots of friends. As 5 approached we were at the point where we knew Caleb didn't enjoy crowds and was not a social person so when I asked him about a party he said no. So we did the low key thing for him. Same for when he turned party (his choice). A couple of weeks before he turned 7 I asked him again about having a party and inviting friends from church....same response party.....I tried to bribe him into a party ... suggesting we could go bowling (one of his favorite things) or go skating.... but he was adament about it....NO PARTY! So I didn't plan a party. In the meantime he had completed some medical testing and was diagnosed with Aspberger's and anxiety disorder. He was given meds for the anxiety and we soon noticed the change in his behavior where it didn't bother him as much to be around others. So the day before he turned 7 we attended a birthday party for a good friend (who was turning 40!) and Caleb still didnt' handle the crowd very well but he would talk to people one on one. He had a conversation with a good friend of ours and explained to her that he wasn't having a birthday party or getting any presents since his birthday was on a Sunday..... ummm, he wasn't having a party because he didn't want one ....and, he had presents --- we had already bought one of his presents and he had gotten presents in the mail from Sarah and Grandma Ratliff!! I was in shock....he really wanted to have a party....he talked about it on the way home that evening....he really wanted to open some presents and have a cake....oh my is 10:00 at night and I have to pull together a party for Caleb!!!!
I get on my cell pronto and call my sister to tell her we are having a birthday party for Caleb at her house after church on Sunday!!! I pass Caleb off to sweet hubby and head to Walmart....they are the only place open at 10 pm on a Saturday night .....fill up a cart with fun presents to be given to him from his cousins, aunt, and nana as well as a couple of things from mom and dad. I also buy some cupcakes and his favorite iced cookies.
On Sunday morning I present Caleb with breakfast in bed ....his favorite....strawberry poptarts!!! (Sweet hubby isn't home on Sunday morning since he had to leave early for a High Council visit to another church unit).
Later that day we meet up at my sister's hosue for a surprise birthday event for Caleb. I love that he was so surpised about everything.
He enjoyed opening presents from his cousins, aunt and nana!
When sweet hubby arrived a little later, he sent Caleb out to his truck to get a diet coke...
only Caleb found this instead!
The funny part about the 4 wheeler is that Grandma Ratliff sent Caleb a gift card in the mail and Caleb wanted to use it to buy a 4 wheeler....
I had a hard time trying to convince him he was a little short on the money!!!
Sweet hubby walked behind Caleb on this 4 wheeler all afternoon.....he even reset the gas flow 3 different times to make it go very SLOW!!!! I was more afraid that sweet hubby would have a heart attack over Caleb riding than Caleb getting hurt himself ont he thing!!! They have finally compromised on the rules (and yes there are many rules!!!)
Happy Birthday my sweet Caleb!!!!
For now the doctor is out.....thinking that maybe next year when sweet Caleb turns 8 we can have a real birthday can always hope and plan!!!