So I had a hurried trip to Utah from Wed morning (super early!) getting home on Friday afternoon. I had to get clothes washed/dried, run errands, and re pack my suitcases so that Franklin and I could catch a 6:30 am flight to NYC. I was busy running around like an idiot on Friday and Friday evening when I finally realized that my child had not been fed any dinner (it was 9pm!!!) so I hurriedly fed him and put him to bed thinking it would be super hard to get him up at 5 am! It wasn't!!!
Sweet hubby helped us get checked in at the airport and left us to board the plane. Going through security with a child is a lot DIFFERENT than when I am flying by myself. I have a child in a stroller, backpack full of things to keep him occupied with, a bag of snacks, my bag with computer, notes for conference (that I will be attending while here) and my purse. Off with the jacket, shoes, ect. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!
I was starving when we got there so I bought us some breakfast to eat on the plane. However, not thinking things through I let Franklin have his CHOCOLATE MILK before we got on the plane and just as I said be careful.......there it went all over his shirt, pants and stroller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I had a sticky, wet, chocolate mess of a boy (note to is a good idea to pack extra clothes for Franklin in the backpack for disasters such as this!). So we get somewhat cleaned up and it is time to board the plane. This was not Franklin's first flight but it will be his first memory of a plane ride since he was just a baby when I took him on a business trip with me.
After breakfast and a quick plane change in Memphis, we settled in again with a movie this time.
Oh, yeah, Madagascar for the 50th time!
Franklin fell asleep with about an hour left of the flight and missed the landing in NYC (however, he finally awoke from the loud noise of the landing. It was past noon at this time and we were hungery again, so I decided that since it always takes sooooo long to get a taxi and get to Sarahs house that I bought us pizza slices to eat while after we picked our luggage up.
NYC Pizza slice is almost as big as he is!!!!
We get done with pizza and get our bags and are off to find the taxi!
One must be clever when traveling with a four year old!!!
We got our taxi and headed to Manhatten. First of all Franklin gets in the back and realizes there isn't a car seat ---- whoo hoo he thinks he is a free man!!! BUT, mom has other ideas ........Get that seatbelt on right now!!!!
UGGGGGG!!!! The taxi driver isn't from America (no surprise there) but worse he is driving a taxi in one of the busiest cities and doesn't know where everything is!!!!! I am trying to explain where Sarah's apt is (after giving him the written address to look at) and he is still CLUELESS!!!!!! He keeps asking people where it is while at stop lights!!! All the while I am telling him to go towards Yankee Stadium area. Meanwhile, I look over at Franklin who is just sitting there and turning green.....he is getting car sick from the fast start/stop and sharp turns!!!! I put armbands on him to help with the sickness.
We finally arrive at the Brownstone and the taxi driver DUMPS my luggage in the street by the sidewalk - NOT ON THE SIDEWALK!!!!! Can we say NO TIP! I then have to lug everything up the steps and a flight of stairs. But we are here!!!!!
Needless to say, we crashed for a couple of hours and then bought some groceries before heading out to meet Sarah for dinner at S'mac. That diary entry come later.
For now the doctor is out, wondering if I am going to survice the big city with a four year old!!!!
1 comment:
(enhlish - english) USA SEO PROS, Nevada, USA w months ago. After talking to there sales rep and following links on there site according to his demo instructions, I was in paypal with a thankyou for your payment. I went straight to the bank, put a stop to the payment. $1600 payment for my website to optimise it. Theres no way they did anything to the site, they don't have my user name or pass. As far as building the site I have don't my own meta optimization along with my own submitions. I build my own sites from the ground up! This guy claiming to be from a fraud department call's me, say's I never payed these guy's for work they have done to my website. That right there was a huge red flag in my mind. Mr. Brooks Number (866) 743-8962 Ext: 699 looks strikingly familliar to (866) 743-8960 USASEOPROS www usa seo pros com number. They use caller ID Blocking, shows as private when they call. Go figure I might do an automatic *67 is I was in the thiefing scam business of taking people's money and they get nothing in return. My opinion usaseopros need to be shut down, the owner and employee's involved need to be investigated, and the owner needs to be in prison for what they do! Anyhow that set aside they claim they are going to turn me over to the Nevada D.A. to be prosecuted for fraud, FRAUD!!! This from a dummy company, that steels people blind? Needless to say they didn't work on my website, are using scare tactics to try and get me to give them $847 to settle the issue out of court. This company after trying to scam me out of $1600 shut there website down for maintanance, when it came back up was identical to the site used to try and scam me. I did ton's of research on page placement needing more business, this company I am reporting feeds on guy's like myself for a fast buck. Think about it, there in Nevada, how did they find you? The internet!!! That means you were already searchable when they found you!!!!! I do my own sites, own meta tags, Name my own Titles of pages and submit my own links. Every website I have ever built is searchable, and runs me undes $20 per year!!! USASEOPROS.COM is a fake, don't find out the hard way, if they call hangup! or they keep harrassing you. They tried getting me to post date them a check, when I said no, that writing a bad check is a real criminal charge the guy tried telling me it was what I was facing rightnow anyhow, he then offered I can extend it one more day and let you sleep on what you want to do till tommorow. I told him *** with it, you're not getting what I don't have. Basically he was trying to make me feel like I was in a rock and a hardspot. My response was I will grind through the rock. Here is a helpful hint for anyone needing better placement, google, yahoo, or msn search meta tag's and page titles and do some self experimenting with it. Then wait a few weeks to see your own result's. You will only be out a little time, plus may learn a little at the same time. Good luck with it, just whatever you do don't let USASEOPROS.COM or other guy's scam you. (Deutsch - German) Vereinigten Staaten SEO PROs, Nevada, Vereinigten Staaten ohnehin gegenüberstand, er hat dann ich kann ausdehnen es noch ein Tag angeboten und kann Sie kann schlafen lassen, auf was Sie bis tommorow machen wollen. Ich habe ihm Hölle damit erzählt, nicht erhalten Sie, was ich nicht habe. Im Grunde versuchte er, mich zu machen, fühle, wie ich in einem Felsen und einem hardspot war. Meine Erwiderung war werde ich durch den Felsen mahlen. Hier ist ein nützlicher Hinweis für irgendjemand, den bessere Unterbringung, Google, Yahoo braucht, oder msn Suche meta Etiketts und Seitentitel und macht einem Selbst, das damit experimentiert. Warten Sie dann ein paar Wochen, Ihres eigenen Ergebnisses zu sehen. Sie werden nur aus etwas Zeit sein, plus dürfen ein kleines gleichzeitig lernen. Viel Glück damit nur was auch immer Sie machen nicht, lässt USASEOPROS. COM oder der Betrug von anderem Burschen Sie. Robert T. Scoviak Janesville WI, Wisconsin
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