Monday, September 22, 2008

The Franklin Diaries - Part Two

Franklin and I went to church with Sarah on Sunday.....but to get there we had to take a bus (about 40 blocks) which was very delightful for him!

We skipped out after Sacrament meeting and headed downtown to walk the Brooklyn Bridge. Oh yeah, I'm STUPID!!!! I am way to BIG and OUT OF SHAPE to walk the Bridge but I finally made it!

Getting Started!

Help, I need water, lots of water!

Yea, we are on the other side......FINALLY!!!

After crossing we went down below to eat lunch at Grimaldi's Pizza but the line was about an hour we did the next best thing......ICE CREAM at Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory.....oh, yeah it was wonderful! Then we walked some more because we just didn't feel like we got in enough exercise that day, I mean you can really never walk to much, right?

Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory at the can tell by the line that they probably don't have good ice cream....

We finally ended our day back at the apartment where Franklin and Sarah immediately crashed on the futon and began eating the pretzel crackers for dinner....we are so good about getting a decent meal here!

Don't I have great looking kids? I love being here with both of them. Franklin is having such a great time with his sister and Sarah is enjoying Franklin.

Oh, I forgot that when we were walking home on Saturday night (our first night here) Franklin told Sarah that he was ready to go home.....his daddy really needed him to come home! Then we had Franklin call sweet hubby just to touch base....oh, big mistake.....Franklin became more homesick and really wanted to go home to daddy, according to him it would be ok for mom to stay in NYC but Franklin really needed to go home. We talked him into staying with us (I mean really I am NOT putting him on a plane by his self - (oh, wait I used to do that for Sarah when she was little but not by choice). I finally put him to bed and prayed he wouldn't be so homesick the next day.....

For now the doctor is out......wondering if she has lost 20 lbs today walking....I really think I should have lost by now....I mean so many miles in one day??????

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How fun you got to go on the Brooklyn Bridge! I have always wanted to do that! Beautiful children by the way!!!!